Energize Through Exercise
Schedule a high-heart-moving activity for 150 minutes a week
Look to swimming, running, biking, skating and walking to get your groove on
Add movement to stationary activities
Walk as you talk on the phone
Do squats as you brush teeth
Stretch while you watch TV
Balance High with Low
For improved attention, increased energy, and ability to recover and remember aim to sleep for seven hours a night
TED Talks
Veteran Website Articles
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
The inspiration...
In human exchange the “who” we are in “hu”-mans gains meaning. My life experiences have forced me through the superficial “smile and be fine” ways of my generation to better honestly face the onslaught of real emotion… and as you might guess, it isn’t always very pretty. These strategies came together from my personal experience and what I have learned as the gold basics for best health. Simply see what works for you!